Birthday Parties

A Nicole’s Gymnastics Academy birthday party is a real swingin’ time with tons of running, jumping, smiling, laughing, and screaming that is 100% Grade A, pure, crazy fun! It will be one of the best birthdays you will ever celebrate.

Each party is 2 hours of FUN, FUN, FUN!

Rules and Policies

  • Kids only; sorry, parents!
  • No sitting, standing, walking, or climbing on walls.
  • No swinging on the ropes. They are for climbing.
  • One person at a time on the tumble trampoline.
  • The Mountain is NOT a slide. Please use the ropes to go up and down.
  • ALL food and drink must stay in observation area



Anyone repeatedly breaking the rules will receive a warning, and then a 5 minute time out, if necessary.

Parties for children ages 1 to 16.

Suggested Party Structure

For maximum use of your time in our facilities, we suggest the following party structure:

  • 75 minutes of Open Gym playtime
  • 40 minutes for cake/ice cream, and presents
  • 5 minutes for children to round up, put on their socks and shoes

Visit our pricing page for more information.

Book Now

Please Read! By registering via the form below, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of our release form.

I understand, and fully appreciate, that the sport of gymnastics involves certain inherent risks, and is a hazardous sport. I further understand and appreciate that the inherent risks in the sport of gymnastics include, without limitations, risk of bodily injury. I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damage I have against Nicole’s Gymnastics Academy, LLC, their agents, representatives, successors, affiliates, and assigns, for any and all injuries and losses suffered by me and mine in connection with Nicole’s Gymnastics Academy, LLC. Additionally, Nicole’s Gymnastics Academy has my permission to render any necessary first aid emergency treatment to my child while in attendance at Nicole’s Gymnastics Academy for any of their functions.